Alternative treatment of incontinence

, Alternative treatment of incontinence

Incontinence is a condition in which a person cannot fully control urination and usually affects slightly older population.

Recent studies have shown that as many as 75 million Americans have this problem, of which 75-80 % is women. The treatment of incontinence usually takes severe medicines or in some cases even surgery. If you want to avoid this, try with more moderate, alternative solutions that can help you.

Kegel exercises

Exercises that are commonly recommended for pregnant women to strengthen muscles that we use to stop urination or to refrain also recommended in the case of incontinence. These exercises are very effective if practiced in the earliest stages of incontinence and after the surgery. Consult your doctor who will tell you when and how often to do them, but after you practice regularly 6-12 weeks you should see some improvement.

Lose weight

If you are overweight and suffer from incontinence, it is important to lose the excess weight because your condition and incontinence can be improved in that way. Excess body fat increases the pressure on the bladder and therefore if you lose weight, you can easily control the bladder.

Retrain your bladder

The most important thing is to be patient until you reach the nearest toilets and so when you feel the urge, try to postpone the urination, at the beginning for 10 minutes and then slowly increase the time gap until you reach 20. In time increase the distance between urinating to four hours.


This mineral is of great importance when it comes to the control of muscles and nerves and regular use of magnesium supplements can ease problems with incontinence. Studies have confirmed that those who take magnesium supplements rarely go to the bathroom and get up less during the night. Doctors believe that magnesium helps in a way that  it reduces spasms and helps to empty the bladder completely.

Vitamin D

This vitamin promotes calcium intake and has a positive effect on bone health, and with that, studies have shown that it reduces the risk of incontinence. if you want to provide your body with vitamin D, spend at least 15 minutes in the sun, take supplements and eat foods such as eggs, fish and milk. Along with that, increase the intake of foods rich in magnesium such as corn, potatoes and bananas.

Reduce intake of caffeine

Caffeine is a natural diuretic and can contribute to bladder irritation and stimulate muscle contraction. Both of these cases lead to incontinence. It would be best to minimize the use of foods that contain caffeine, or more preferably, to avoid them completely.

Drink enough fluids

It may sound counterproductive, but an adequate intake of fluids is of great importance when it comes to incontinence. Drink the recommended 6-8 glasses of liquids during the day. Try to drink those recommended liquids during the day and reduce the liquid intake at the evening, on order to avoid or reduce the frequent urination during the night.


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