Foods that we consume every day have a major effect on the size of our waist. In order to ease the jump into your favorite jeans or that little black dress these drinks will certainly help you.
Some bites can cause a swollen abdomen and sipping these drinks can reduce the accumulated air in the intestines and boost your metabolism. In order to reduce weight it is important to consume these drinks often and the results will be visible very soon.
1. Cold mint tea
Mint soothes indigestion and enhances the absorption of fat. Besides that, mint tea accelerates the metabolism and reduces the appetite, which are important factors in weight reduction. Make mint tea the way you usually do and then refrigerate it for a couple of hours. If you wish, you can sweeten it with honey. Drink at least two cups of cold mint tea during the day and you will notice your belly getting flat.
2. Pineapple shake
Pineapple shake is low in calories, high in fiber and high in water with an abundance of vitamins and minerals. which makes this drink a perfect belly flattener. It creates the feeling of fullness and prevents overeating.
Besides that, pineapple contains bromelain, enzyme that improves digestion and helps your body absorb nutrients more efficiently.
Mix a half of a pineapple with two tablespoons of flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids that reduce bloating. Drink the shake throughout the day instead of eating different snacks.
3. Dark chocolate drink
Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidant called flavonoid. Flavonoid relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow, lowers blood pressure and increases energy expenditure, which is crucial for weight loss.
The chocolate with cocoa content of 72 percent reduces appetite and maintains a feeling of satiety. In a blender, mix 2 ounces of yogurt, two tablespoons of honey, 5 grams of dark chocolate and half a banana. This drink should be consumed for breakfast in order to get the best results.