Natural remedies vs. blackheads

Blackheads occur as a result of excessive sebum secretion of the sebaceous glands in combination with bacteria, dust and other impurities. They are most commonly found in the area of the nose, chin and forehead, but can also occur in other parts of the body that is characteristically increased secretion of sebum. Normally, sebum protects our skin from dryness, but on the way to the skin surface, the sebum can remain trapped and cause the closing of the pores and the formation of blackheads.

Once they arise, blackheads are difficult to permanently remove without the help of a dermatologist. But with the help of a few natural remedies, you can achieve satisfactory effects in their removal and prevention

Lemon and lime

Lemon juice is often used as an effective home preparation in the combat against blackheads since it operates on narrowing the pores, and additionally cleans, disinfects and removes dead skin cells.

Apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to your face and leave it to act overnight. In the morning, rinse your face with lukewarm water.

In addition, you can mix the lemon with honey and thus make an effective exfoliation mixture. For extremely oily skin, you can also add a teaspoon of yogurt. Gently scrub the mixture into the skin for about ten minutes and then rinse your face.


Oatmeal is very efficient preparation in fight against blackheads as it can draw a large number of fat and oil from deep in the skin.

Cook oatmeal as when preparing it for eating and then let it cool. Add honey in hot oatmeal and apply it directly on clean skin. Leave it about ten minutes and then rinse. If you repeat this treatment regularly, you should soon see the results.

Instead of honey, you can make a mask of oatmeal and yogurt. Mix 3 tablespoons of yogurt and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and then add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply  the mask on your face and let it work for about ten minutes. Then rinse your face with warm water. This treatment is not recommended to use more than twice a week.

Egg whites

Egg whites are rich in protein and can help restore your skin and the treatment of blackheads. Also, they can help absorb excess oil from your skin.

Beat egg whites and once they turn foamy, apply them to the face. Rinse your face with warm water after fifteen minutes.


Cucumber is very effective anti-inflammatory product that can help you in removing blackheads and acne.

Peel the cucumbers and put it in a blender to get a paste which will serve as a mask. Apply the paste onto the face and rinse with lukewarm warm water after ten minutes. Your skin will be fresh and clean, which should help in removing blackheads.


Potato mask can be very effective in removing deep blackheads. Scrape the potatoes in a pan and add a little water. Apply the paste onto the face and rinse with lukewarm warm water after ten minutes.


Tomatoes are effective in neutralizing oily skin. They contain a variety of nutrients such as magnesium, calcium and potassium, which will make your skin healthier.

Tomatoes you can use by cutting them in half and massaging the face five to ten minutes. In addition, you can squeeze the tomatoes and mix with honey or lemon juice. Apply the paste onto the face and rinse with lukewarm warm water after twenty minutes.

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