To write perfect articles for the purpose of its promotion, it is very important to keep a balance, on the one hand you have to provide web publishers and readers well-written, entertaining and informative content on the other hand, there are the keywords that you have to choose wisely to make your writing well ranked on the search tools and article directories.
Without a doubt, good content is the most important factor when it comes to the popularity of an article and site in general. Search engines love and always find new ways to reward good content on the Internet, and also to punish the content that has little value to readers.
This does not mean you should give attention to key words, on the contrary, they remain vital for good optimization for search engines and article marketing, but they should be used carefully.
We all happened to time they click on a page that is not overloaded with keywords in barely legible text. In 99.9 % of cases, the reaction of people is that they soon leave this page. The point is that the one who created this page effectively used keywords in order to be better ranked in search results, resulting from higher visit the website.
However, the poor quality of facilities and overcrowding keywords are forcing the visitors to flee from such a site.
So, the secret is to find a good balance. With a little work you can write an article that would be read and would have enough targeted keywords to help you with SEO. In general, compared to the total number of words in the article, the number of keywords should not be over 2 %, so basically, if your article has 500 words, then you should not have more than 10 keywords.
Also, it’s not all about how many keywords do you have, a crucial point is also where they are placed. The most important keywords should appear in the title, description, initial paragraph and last paragraph. Other keywords can be inserted anywhere in the content. If all this is done well, readers will not even notice that there are keywords in the article.
So, when you decide to write an article for your website, blog, etc., you first have to decide the topic you want to write the keywords and phrases that you want to use. Keyword research is vital, there are many tools that are available online and that can help you with that. In general, keywords should match the words that your potential reader might type into a search engine.
When writing an article, you should be focusing on subject that will attract the reader’s attention; and bear in mind that reader can be intrigued with title and photos. Write an article, but do not overly worry about where the keywords appear in the text. In general, the article should be informative and fun. When you are satisfied with written article then you do not have to worry about inserting keywords. Sometimes you will find places where they fit great while there surely will be instances when you will have little to change the text to make the content readily accessible. Keywords cannot be allowed to disturb you structure, meaning and readability of the content.
Finally, review the article. Sometimes, reading an article and allows you to see more opportunities for a few keywords, without disturbing the structure of the article.