LinkedIn is a website that serves for self-promotion or promotion of business or specific product or service. However, there are some LinkedIn users that do not use properly or correctly all the opportunities and advantages that LinkedIn provides. Active use of LinkedIn comes down to receiving and replying to emails that you receive from the world’s largest business social networks. You actively use it only when you are looking at profiles, and you should use the same “instincts” that leads you to browse other people’s profiles to think about editing your own profile.
The more the contacts, the productive the profile
While two to twenty contacts show that you probably do not have the business contacts that use LinkedIn. A larger number of contacts superficially mean that you have a lot of business contacts. As much as you’re telling that quality is more important than quantity, the great number of your business contacts marked in your profile will encourage viewers to contact you instead of the competition.
More contacts in practice give more ways for someone to come to your profile, and provides more data for LinkedIn to make your profile appear in search option.
Get more contacts
If you want to have as many contacts, and yet you are not quite positive how to do that here are some tricks that you can use.
The smart and tactical thing would be to add someone to your LinkedIn profile as soon as you meet them, weather in private or business environment. Sent them the request, but when choosing a type of connection, do not chose some of the defined groups, but opt for the mail, if you have their mail, because it is the safest way of connection. Have in mind that if you if have too many “contextual” profiles added, and that other contacts do not confirm that, LinkedIn could doubt your approach and the site administrators can mark your profile as a LinkedIn spammer.
Promote yourself on other networks
To promote your LinkedIn profile, you do not have to limit yourself to adding and activating yourself merely inside the specific network. Instead of that, add the link to your LinkedIn profile on your other social networks and websites, and if it is truly important to you, add it in the email signature. Fortunately, if you are proactive as in the previous step, you will have enough contacts to be more and more people are able to get to you.
Make sure to have a complete profile
If the connection is like offsite search engine optimization that brings new visitors, onsite optimization involves editing the profile as you would keywords and information filled in a web page.
LinkedIn system encourages you to fill out your profile, but most important informations that we seem to forget or neglect are:
Most of LinkedIn profiles do have a URL or address of the profile that is readable, memorable and can be written, but a series of numbers and letters, and assorted characters. In the settings, set your address to be short and clear.
Pick up the recommendations of the contacts, and not so just send requests within the system, but first ask your contacts via email, ubiquitous “social” spine Internet that actually follow;
Provide as much information about yourself, from past and current affairs (and projects within the company you work) to the publications for which you wrote and own life experience. Bear in mind that LinkedIn profiles are a kind of reference.