DIY glitter vase

Ordinary transparent vases or jars can be very decorative when decorated with glitter sequins. All you need is:

  • vase or jar
  • glitter
  • sponge or brush
  • duck tape
  • mod podge

Step 1
Wash vases thoroughly and wipe with well with a clean cloth. After that use a duct tape to mark the part of the decoration, or more precisely, the part you want your glitter to be.

Step 2:
Apply the mod podge onto the jar generously by using the brush or a sponge in the area under lined by the duck tape and gently sprinkle the glitter over the mod podge.

Step 3:
Once you have sprinkled the vase with the glitter, gently remove the duck tape from the vase.

Step 4:
Leave the vase to dry for at least eight hours, so that the decorative part does not touch the surface. When the glitter sticks, apply a thin layer of mod podge with brush and allow drying naturally. Repeat this procedure at least twice.

Step 5:
When the last layer of adhesive had dried, allow the vase to sit for another week at room temperature. In this way, the glitter will not fall off from the surface when you wash the vase.

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