Health is the most important thing in the world. Even if we have everything, if we do not have health, we have nothing. Because of the way of life and the fast pace, we often do not have enough time for ourselves. But from time to time, you need to check your body.
We bring you 6 quick and easy tests that will show you where the hidden weaknesses in your organism are.
Light a candle and try to put that out from a distance of about 80 cm. If you manage to extinguish the candle, move a little further and try again. If you cannot turn off at a distance of 80 cm, get closer to measure the distance at which you to succeed.
In this way, you are testing how much air you are able to breathe. The greater the distance, the greater the volume of your lungs. Very well is 120 cm, from 80 to 100 cm on average. Less than 70 cm indicates that your lung capacity is small.
If the distance is 70 cm or less, the cause may be a narrowing of the airways, or are untrained and you move insufficiently.
While standing, measure the waist with the tailor measure tape, exactly in the middle between the ribs and hips. Do not cheat, breathe normally and do not tighten the meter too much.
The result of this test shows you the risk of contracting diabetes and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. For a woman is valid: all less than 80 cm is good, while for man is valid 90. All values that exceed the normal value mean that the weight is significantly increased.
At the latest when waist circumference exceeds 88 cm for women and 98 for men, you should consider losing weight. It is also important to ask your doctor and what sports would be suitable specifically for you.
Put the forefinger, middle and ring finger on the pulse. Count the beats for 15 seconds. This result multiplied by four gives the frequency of the pulse in a minute. The advantage with respect to electronic measurement is that in this way feels the strength and pace pulse.
The heart is healthy if the pulse is felt clearly, if his incidence is between 60 and 80 beats. No need to worry if the frequency of 50 to 100 beats per minute.
If the pulse each times very fast, and you barely feel or each time skipping occur, ask for a medical opinion. Check if you have a heart rhythm disorder, or a weak heart.
For this test you need a hand mirror and a glass of water. Take a sip of water and hold it in your mouth. Tilt your head back and swallow water. At the same time watch the neck directly below the throat and feel the place it between finger and thumb.
Do you see or feel that beneath the larynx forms a conspicuous bulge? Such bulges may indicate reduced function of the thyroid gland. The gland is often enlarged due to iodine deficiency.
In this case, you should be careful and seek for professional opinion. It is possible that blood tests will be required additionally.
Stand up straight, lift your legs and keep the balance as long as you can. The lift the foot and do not rely the legs on the other foot. Measure the time you can stand on your foot.
This test shows how good your sense of balance and coordination. When you can stand on one leg longer than 60 seconds and not to fall, you are in a great form. If you stand for 30 seconds, it’s still good, and should withstand a minimum of 20 seconds.
Those who quickly loses balance, it should go to the detailed medical examination. The doctor may be able to recommend some sport that is good for blood circulation and coordination.
Very lightly rub your thumb and forefinger to about 20 cm from the ears in a quiet room with no external noise. Then repeat the test with the other hand in front of the other ear.
If you do not hear your fingers from the 20 cm distance of your ear, approach the fingers. At a distance of 10 cm you should certainly hear brush of fingers. In this way you can determine whether you’re hearing is in one ear worse. For it is usually to blame the excess wax.
If the specialist finds that you hear has worsen because of poor blood circulation in the capillaries, it is possible that you have the same problem with the retina of the eye. Just in case, go to the eye doctor.