How to help your sore cuticles

cuticles, How to help your sore cuticles

Damaged cuticles are rather annoying and painful, interfering in performing regular tasks, but believe it or not the most common cause of indurations and damage the cuticle is nail and cuticle biting. Whether it’s a nervous habit or simply a habit, what you need to do is to try to lose this habit as quickly as possible. Damaged cuticles can also be a result of using strong cleaning products that directly damage the cuticles.

Damaged cuticles increase the opportunities for the development of infections around the nails, and that is why it is very important to take care of cuticles and to prevent any possible damage.

The good news is that the damaged cuticles relatively quickly heal themselves, but only if you allow them and do not create any new damage. There are many treatments, from medical to cosmetic, depending on the severity of damage. But if you pay a little more attention to cuticles, you can keep your cuticles clean and soft.

How to treat damaged cuticles

Treating the damaged cuticle depends on the level of damage. If the damage is caused by biting, the cuticles probably have only minor wounds. All you need in that case is to disinfect the damaged area with alcohol and put the patch over the damaged area. If you do stop the biting or touching the soared cuticles, they will soon be cured.

There is a chance that if you pick the damaged cuticles, you might create an infection. Then you may need medical help, as every fungal infection is requiring special medication.

Another of the causes of the formation of sore cuticle is dehydrated skin around the nails. When the skin is dehydrated, cuticles are losing natural fat that keeps them soft and tender. This happens especially in extreme weather conditions, when the temperature is too high or extreme cold. This problem can be treated with moisturizing creams or oils. Every night before bedtime lubricate the cuticles with olive or other oil.

Prevention of the cuticle usually means that you have to rid of some bad habits.

If you continue with biting your nails and cuticles, there is no treatment that can help you long-term. However, while you bite your nails and cuticles by the default, unconsciously, the chances are that the quitting process is easier said than done. In that case you can try wearing cotton gloves or applying the liquid that has rather unpleasant taste. The most famous one is grapefruit extract, the odorless liquid that has anti-inflammatory, a bitter taste, so will it distract you from biting.

Vitamin E can also be used for the treatment of dried cuticles. Pierce the capsule of vitamin E and rub the cuticles with that oil.

Also, it is well known that food affects directly the health of the nails and cuticles. To prevent the occurrence of irregular cuticles, healthy eating is imperative, especially the food that is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E. In addition, zinc and calcium are also vital for maintaining healthy cuticle. Avoid alcohol, sugar and saturated fat.


How to soften the cuticles with home remedies

Soak your hands in warm water and scrape away any hard skin cuticles making sure not to injure the skin further.

Take a teaspoon of warm olive oil and massage into the cuticles.

Mix a spoonful of honey, two tablespoons of lemon juice and half a glass of warm water. Immerse nails in the liquid, and keep it in for a few minutes. Dry on air, and then rinse with water. After that, re-rub olive oil into cuticles and leave it to soak into the skin.

sore cuticles

Do not be affraid to search for additional remedies as long as they are not invasive and as long as you are not adviced to use harsch products that may harm your skin or open wounds.

Beauty salons surely have so many to say but do not be afraid to ask a doctor if the pain continues and if your skin gets dark red.

Also read: How to cut dogs nails

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