How to protect yourself during a tornado

Tornadoes can cause great damage to buildings and injure or kill people. Luckily there are many different warning signs that warn of tornadoes approach.

Observe the movement of oncoming storms.

Watch out for the following warning signs:

  • Dark, often greenish sky
  • Strong hail
  • A large, dark cloud close to the ground (particularly if rotating)
  • The loud roar like a freight train noise

There are also a variety of safety procedures to be followed during a tornado stay safe.

Inside the building

Go to a shelter that is provided for such a disaster, for example, a safe room, storm cellar or go to an ordinary basement or room on the lowest level of the building.

If you do not have a basement, move to the center of the inner room on the lowest level of the building (bathroom, interior hallway) away from corners, windows, doors and outside walls.

Between you and the surrounding may it be as many walls as possible.

Tuck under a sturdy table and protect the head and neck with your hands.

Do not open the windows!

In a vehicle, trailer or mobile home

Immediately exit and hurry to a nearby shelter for storm or some larger buildings and bow to its lowest level. Mobile homes, even if they are well established to the ground, offer little protection from tornadoes.

In the open, without shelter

Lie down in a nearby ditch completely close to the ground and cover your head.

Be aware of the possibility of flooding.

Do not seek shelter under an overpass or bridge. You are safer on a low, flat location.

In urban areas and areas where there might be traffic or other crowd, never attempt to hide from the tornado in a car or truck. Instead, prefer to leave the vehicle immediately and seek safe shelter.

Beware of flying debris. Debris that is flying air due to the tornado force is the main cause of deaths and injuries during a tornado.

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