We are all aware that it is difficult to stop ugly habits and smoking is one of those habits. There are many health hazards of nicotine contained in cigarettes. Nicotine causes a sudden increase in blood pressure and lung damage. It is very difficult to quit smoking. However, if you do stop smoking, nicotine effects of smoked cigarettes can last for years.
However, you can remove the nicotine out of your body with healthy food and altering your lifestyle.
Smoking reduces the amount of vitamin C, E and A. These vitamins serve to protect your lungs, and after you quit smoking, be sure to include in your diet foods rich in vitamin C and E. Here’s some of the food you need to eat in order to eject the nicotine from your body.
Eat broccoli to “eject” the nicotine out of your body. This green vegetable is a rich source of vitamin C and B5. Smoking reduces the content of vitamin C in the body.
Orange Juice is a rich source of vitamin C. You can increase the metabolism of your body and get rid of stress, if you regularly eat oranges.
Carrot juice
If you smoke, then you should know that when you light a cigarette, nicotine remains in the body for three days. If you are a smoker, nicotine damages your skin. Carrot juice is good for the skin, and is also rich in vitamins A, C, K, and B which help in removing nicotine from the body.
Green leafy vegetables
Spinach is the best dark green leafy vegetables, which is not only rich in vitamins, but also with folic acid. If you are pregnant and are worried about the amount of nicotine in your body, you should increase the intake of spinach.
This red and juicy fruit helps blood circulation and increases blood cells in the body. To reduce the need for the nicotine, simply increase the intake of pomegranate.
This wonder fruit helps in expelling the nicotine out of your organism. This delicious fruit is a rich source of vitamins A, C and E, the vitamins that are reduced in the body after your smoking habits.
Berries such as strawberries help in the “expulsion” of nicotine and other harmful toxins from the body.
Smoking leads to dehydration. According to many researchers, you can stop smoking and reduce nicotine from the body simply by consuming lots of water.