Sky Q will make you want to ditch your Sky+ box

In November, Sky showed off its next-gen TV service, called Sky Q.

At the launch event, we got the chance to get a guided tour around a few of the features the system has on offer, but it was a brief 10-minute affair, during which taking control was a definite no-no.

Now, however, we’ve had the chance to spend an hour checking out the service more thoroughly – and yes, a chance to try out that new touch-sensitive controller.

What is Sky Q?
Sky’s next-gen TV service blends on-demand and traditional programming in a totally new interface and with completely new hardware.

There are two ‘main’ boxes to choose between – either the regular Sky Q box or the ‘Silver’ model.


The difference between them comes down to how many channels you want to watch and record at a time, largely. The Silver model has 12 tuners for various things (Picture-In-Picture preview, future proofing, recording, etc.) but the end result is that you can record four shows at once and watch a (different) fifth one. It also supports multiple tablets at once.

The regular box will let you record three channels at once, while watching another live and another on one tablet, which is probably enough for most families.

There’s one more reason that you’ll probably want to go for the Silver box though – it supports Ultra HD content and the regular one doesn’t. If your TV is 4K/Ultra HD then it’s a no-brainer. The Silver also has more room for recordings, with 2TB versus 1TB.

Beyond the main box, there’s a the Sky Q Mini. This is the unit you’ll have in your bedroom, kitchen or wherever else you might want a Sky connection.


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