How to avoid muscle inflammation

When we talk about muscle inflammation that occurs after training, we usually imply the painful sensation in the muscles that were active during the training. There is also a sense of tension and stiffness of muscles as well as specific muscle weakness. Because of these symptoms the inflammation is generally seen as something negative and undesirable. That is not strange because you certainly do not want to be in pain and you want to be in any way to resolve such an unpleasant feeling.

What can we do to reduce inflammation, and avoid medicine? One of the strategies for a faster recovery in acute inflammation is putting cold compresses to assist in the drainage of inflammatory products.

In long term, you can facilitate the symptoms of inflammation by inclusion of certain foods in your diet that do not override the beneficial effects of inflammation.

Pineapple is useful because in its composition has an enzyme bromelain, which reduces swelling and pain in muscles.

Cherries and apples are useful for a variety of bioflavonoids that they contain. quercetin is particularly useful, for it  helps in muscle recovery after training. Apples contain polyphenols which according to new research play a role in the healing of microtrauma to the muscle that result from training.

Papaya is useful because of the enzyme papain, which is a mechanism acts similar as bromelain.

Walnuts contain a high concentration of arginine (an amino acid that is largely responsible for the production of NO, whose benefits mentioned earlier). They also contain a high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory. Of course, we should also mention that fish oil is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Ginger its anti-inflammatory action is achieved by preventing the production of prostaglandins (compounds that are largely responsible for the inflammatory changes). List could go even further: spinach, various spices (eg. Curcuma), berries, etc.

In addition to food, if we want to avoid the use of analgesics, in their daily diet should include appropriate dietary supplements. In order to reduce the inflammatory reaction is useful to increase the intake of magnesium, melatonin (antioxidant activity), vitamin D3, zinc…

From physical methods, stretching can be helpful. It improves blood circulation and the flow of substances essential for recovery. We can stretch static (maintaining muscle in a stretched position for 30-45 seconds) and ballistic (alternately stretching and relaxing the muscle). The third type of stretching is PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation), which usually requires the assistance of partners. This method is considered to be superior over the above mentioned because it allows greater flexibility increase.

So, given all of the above, it is clear that we should find a solution that will ease the discomfort of inflammation, and also enable its beneficial effects.

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