If you are having a bad day and you need something to „lift you up“ we give you a little tricks that do not take much efford or time, and will potentially upgrade your mood to the next level.
reach the sky
Stand up on your tiptoe, with his arms extend high above your head and look at the ceiling. This simple exercise improves circulation throughout the body and very soon you will feel a new surge of energy. If you laugh while doing this exercise, you will trigger the brain to release chemicals that can improve your mood.
From “to do” to “done“
Instead of writing a list of what to do that day which we automatically make you tired, make a list of what you should not do, or what has already been done. Take a minute and write on a paper the ten items that you did that day or during the week.
Use your imagination
After a busy day you wish to rest on a beach. Do it in your mind. Your brain and imaginary things react like the real ones. Close your eyes and try to imagine the smell and feel of your chosen place.
Good carbohydrates
To quickly raise the level of serotonin in the body, reach for a snack rich in carbohydrates. Eat popcorn, biscuits with a little jam or oatmeal.
Dress colorfully
Mere sight of those the gray or black shirt that you wear can yank you down. Rather choose to wear the bright and cheerful colors that can lift up your mood. You will look fresher and feel fresher, guaranteed.
A quick way to get rid of tension is rubbing the acupressure points on your body. Massage the point between the thumb and index finger gently in a circular motion on both hands. You’ll feel better.