Entertain your child in a car
Many parents will agree to travel with a toddler can be disastrous. Sometimes we can be afraid of the thought of the heat, the lack of places to play, fatigue, and the fact that a child needs a few hours to sit in the seat.
We bring you a few tips on how to entertain children while driving, without driving each other nuts.
- Audio editions of popular children’s books and stories can be a source of fun for the whole family. Parents love to tell stories and this is a great idea to get the kids involved in the development of the story itself. Make sure to tell to your children stories that you have listened as a child from your parents or grandparents. Your child is at an age when the toy is a center of his world, make it and tell them all about your favorite toys or their favorite game from childhood.
- Music brings joy to life. Sing songs from your childhood, suggest the children to sing along with you. With some creativity, you can start a pun so that you sing a word or phrase, and your child continues in the same rhythm. Sing through the game, imitate sounds from nature, sounds that the animals make and find as many songs to sing through the upcoming holidays.
- During the ride, look at the landscape through which you are traveling may become part of the adventure. Talk with children about the landscape, nature, rocks, hills, plains, rivers, or sights that you see. Take advantage of promotional materials the landing to meet the kids with a place through which you travel. If the kids are bigger, let them take pictures of sights, nature or road signs and later competing who took a better photo. Educate children about the geography and the alphabet through counting as many different license plates, street signs or billboards.
- No matters how old are your children; a pencil and paper will always be a source of entertainment. If you have older children play “hangman” game guessing letters, tic-tac, toe or any other game you can think of.
- Remember, the greatest secret of how to make the kids happy in the car’s participation. Children need to interest, engage and maintain their good spirit, because if they are good spirits, your good mood will rise as well.
- Rare are the opportunities that the whole family listens, sings or plays the same games together for hours. Appreciate the time you spend together as a family and make it memorable for a lifetime.