Summer savings- 4 ways to save money during the summer

Summer brings not only fun and relaxation but also higher costs. Learn how to save this summer with four little trick.

Ice coffee

If you just love your ice coffe every day before work during the summer required ice coffee, then your monthly cost is much higher than while you dring your coffee hot. Iced coffee is always more expensive than ordinary. Try to arrange to have  instant ice coffee in the office.  Here are some ideas on how you can make delicious Ice Coffee.


Think of which of  the device are necessary to be turned on during the summer. For instance, clothes dryer, as well as hairdryer. You know your hair looks more beautiful when dried in the warm breeze, and the hair is the healthiest and best-looking (especially wavy), when dried by the sun’s rays. Oven also works less. Summer is ideal for making delicious recipes that do not require any baking, or even cooking. Turn on the washing machine at night, when electricity is cheaper.

Air conditioning

Reduce the air conditioners. We know that the temperatures are high, heat, but the house will be much cooler is you leave the windows opened during the night or at least  in the early morning, before dawn. Once the temperatures begin to rise, cliose the windows and put the shades on the windows.


Many times we have seen how the sprinklers in the yards work during the day in hot  summer days. Believe me, it just does not make much sense. (Except when the kids want instant freshness and play with sprinklers). A lawn and garden should be watered early in the morning and between 5 and 8 hours (or at night, after sunset). In the period from 10 to 18 hours of watering does not have much effect, as the water evaporates almost instantaneously. Morning watering will save you water and the water bill.


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